This is the terrifying moment a young woman stripped naked and dove head-first off a 150ft bridge in Portugal.
The female tourist, believed to be from Brazil, was filmed making the dangerous plunge off the Dom Luis I Bridge in Porto. Footage showed the woman - who'd reportedly been drinking - stripping off while balancing on the side of the bridge before launching herself into the River Douro. In the video, the woman was joined by two topless men as they both stood on the edge of the bridge. After throwing her top to the cheering crowds behind her, she then took off her jeans and swayed back and forth. She then jumped head-first and spun into an uncontrollable somersault before crashing into the water as people scream. Local reports said that police patrols searched the area after the incident, but could not find any of the people involved and no arrests have been made so far. Luckily, the woman appeared to swim back to a riverbank without suffering too much damage. Her identity remains unknown.