Mum will be fined if she does not stop posting Facebook.

Mother is warned she will be fined €10,000 if she does not stop putting photos of her son, 16, on Facebook after he takes her to court in Italy.

Baby’s neck becomes red & swollen, then doctors find this sticking out.

When parents Aaron and Emma Washington noticed a strange pimple on the side of their daughter’s face

Shackled to their beds': 13 siblings freed from house were held captive by parents, police say.

Image result for Shackled to their beds': 13 siblings freed from house were held captive by parents, police say
A CALIFORNIAN COUPLE has been arrested on charges of torture after authorities said their 13 malnourished children were held captive in their home, with some shackled to beds in the dark.

Swedish Parents of the child model involved in H&M hoodie race row speak out..

The parents of the child model at the centre of the H&M race row have admitted their fears over how it will affect their young son as they reveal they've moved out of their home because of the global backlash triggered by the campaign.

World boxing champion Anthony Joshua teaches his son Yoruba language.

Joshua learnt little Yoruba during his few months stay in his ancestral home of Sagamu, Ogun state, Nigeria.

There have been some weird weather events so far this year;Snow in the Sahara desert!

We’ve had snow in the Sahara desert and a deadly “bomb cyclone” in the US in less than two weeks.

P Diddy ‘offers H&M child model $1 million modelling contract.

Rapper, Sean Combs ‘P Diddy’ is reportedly preparing a $1 million modelling contract offer for the little black boy who retail company H& M used to model a ‘racism’ inspired hoodie.

Donald Trump Refers To Africans As People From Sh*thole Countries.

Image result for african countries

President of the United States, Donald Trump has come under fire for lamenting the immigration status of some countries in the temporary protected status and saying they are from shi*thole countries.

Daughter’s Innocent Tattoo Became Fatal Now The Father Warns Other Parents.

The Gulliver family, from Britain, had travelled to Egypt for a vacation. Unfortunately, Mrs.Gulliver was hospitalized when she suffered a gallbladder infection.

Woman wears ‘henna crown’ to fight the social stigma of permanent hair loss.

More than one in a hundred women worldwide suffer from hair loss. But some are finding new and inventive ways of challenging the stigma of baldness.
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