Everything you need to know about the sacred Antogo fishing ritual of Mali

Rituals are characteristic of most cultures. They are passed down from generation to generation. Different actions explain why some rituals are sacred while others may not.

All about African greeting positions and how they are used

“What’s for breakfast this morning, I just woke up and I’m hungry.” One may get away with this statement early in the morning after waking up from bed in just about any home, but not African.

The powerful story behind the jazz funerals of New Orleans

New Orleans is the jazz mecca of the world. Since the 1800s when jazz music originated in gatherings by enslaved Blacks in Congo Square, an outdoor space in New Orleans, the art form has spread through every aspect of culture in the city.

10 important life lessons to learn from African hunters

African tribes have long been known for their hunting skills and deep connection with the natural world.

The story behind the helmet mask carved by men but worn by only women in Sierra Leone

One of the respected traditional symbols of the Mende people of the West African nation, Sierra Leone, in initiation ceremonies, is the helmet or sowei mask. 
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