The female trio of Seun Adigun, Ngozi Onwumere and Akuoma Omeoga trending again as they have become the first African team to qualify for the bobsled category for the Olympics
in 2018. They have written their name in the history books as they scaled through the five races required to qualify for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games which will be taking place at PyeongChang in South Korea. Speaking in a recent interview, Adigun who is the team’s driver said, “This is a huge milestone for sports in Nigeria,” driver Adigun told KwesΓ©ESPN. “Nothing makes me prouder than to know that I can play a small role in creating opportunities for winter sports to take place in Nigeria. The former track stars have quickly gone on to become the centre attention since they first revealed their intention to take Nigeria to the Winter Olympics by creating a GoFund me account to get donations towards achieving their dreams last year.
in 2018. They have written their name in the history books as they scaled through the five races required to qualify for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games which will be taking place at PyeongChang in South Korea. Speaking in a recent interview, Adigun who is the team’s driver said, “This is a huge milestone for sports in Nigeria,” driver Adigun told KwesΓ©ESPN. “Nothing makes me prouder than to know that I can play a small role in creating opportunities for winter sports to take place in Nigeria. The former track stars have quickly gone on to become the centre attention since they first revealed their intention to take Nigeria to the Winter Olympics by creating a GoFund me account to get donations towards achieving their dreams last year.