Many might not know the name of the little boy whose pictures flooded timelines on social media as a meme a year ago.

His name is Jake Amo from a village called Asempanaye in Ghana. His photos were used as the meme of choice for many jokes in 2016. According to Africa Check, photographer Carlos Cortes took the famous picture of 4-year-old Jake, during artist Solomon Adufah’s visit to teach creative studies and art at his school in August 2015. In July 2017, Adufah returned to Ghana and managed to catch up with Jake. He was on school vacation and visiting family during my short stay but I was able to visit [them] to check up on him,” he told Africa Check.
“Jake is also enrolled in an extracurricular programme at his school to help him with his English, maths and drawing. The Ghana Education Services in the Eastern Region District will continue to monitor his progress in working relationship with Homeland Africa and his family.”See Jake’s photos below.