This is the shocking moment a child mimics her parents after they were detained by police and climbs barefoot out of a pickup truck and walks with her hands raised towards armed officers. The startling video shows several officers with their guns raised towards a black pick up as a man walks towards them arms raised and another man static with his arms raised. Tallahassee Police were arresting shoplifting suspects Chad M. Bom and James W. McMullen in a busy parking lot outside a department store in the Florida state capital. They were armed with pistols and rifles due to reports the suspects were armed. The child, 2, then clambers out of the side door of the truck with no shoes or socks on and approaches the police who keep their guns raised. The video shot by a passer-by caused a stir online, prompting the police to release two further body cam clips that show that they worked to get the 2-year-old and a further, younger child to their mother. Tallahassee police added that they were so heavily armed because staff at the store who reported the culprits said they were armed. Police found a pellet gun in the back of the pickup truck. 'She's trying to get out but she can't because she's little,' said the person filming the video. 'She is out. Oh, she's holding her hands up. Oh my God, look at that. Oh my God.''They're still holding the gun at the baby,' says one viewer. The other disputes. 'No, they're holding the gun at the car.' Police allowed a woman reported to be the child's mother, to hold her and the other child as they dealt with the situation. Footage from 10 body cameras was reviewed said TPD Chief Michael DeLeo, report the Tallahassee Democrat. He said officers were surprised when the little girl popped out of the truck and approached them and ask their detainee are there any other adults in the car. In the body cam footage the man reportedly replies: 'No sir,' the man replies. 'Just my 2-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son.'The officer tries to coax the girl to come to him, and her mother who was on the scene and allows the man to join in an attempt to get her away from the pickup truck. A second video shows the mother retrieving the second child from the truck. 'The body camera footage shows the officers' concern for the children and their compassion as they permitted the mother to care for the children,' DeLeo said. 'The mom, who is a suspect, asks an officer to hold her 2-year-old as she retrieves the infant from a car seat.' 'I am proud of how officers handled the situation, how they adapted when they became aware of the children, the level of concern and compassion they showed to the family.'