Anytime a musician, artist or actor dies, the world mourns because not only is that person not around anymore, but we will never get to see the next masterpiece they could have created. That obviously applies to the late rapper Mac Miller, who died of an accidental drug overdose last year. His fifth studio album Swimming was nominated for a Grammy, Miller's first nod, which was a bittersweet moment. But it seems as though that 2018 album might not be his last. According to Chicago producer Thelonious Martin, Mac Miller, real name Malcolm James McCormick, did a collaborative album with producer and rapper Madlib. Martin has told DJ Booth: "When we were working on 'Guidelines,' he was always excited about all these other songs. He had this Madlib album, called Maclib."I opened for Madlib in Chicago last summer, at Pitchfork. So I'm opening for Madlib, and about 15, 20 minutes left in my set, Madlib pulls up. Pete Rock walks up as well."So I'm trying to focus and DJ and Madlib get on and 15 minutes into his set he just randomly plays a Mac Miller joint."And I turn to him, I'm like, 'There's more of these, right?' He's said, 'Oh, yeah, there's a whole album. Maclib.' What! What! He just kept moving on with his DJ set."If Madlib decides to bless the world with that project, he should."American bass guitarist Thundercat, who was mates with Miller, has confirmed the secret album on social media saying: "I was there when he recorded it. Blew my fucking mind."There was speculation that Mac Miller was going to win the 2019 Grammy for Best Album but was pipped on the night to Cardi B for her hit tracks off Invasion of Privacy. Miller's Swimming was released on 3 August - just over a month before he was found dead at his home outside Los Angeles at the age of 26. Shortly after his death, former girlfriend Ariana Grande shared a short video of the two together on her Instagram page, writing: "I adored you from the day I met you when I was nineteen and I always will. I can't believe you aren't here anymore. I really can't wrap my head around it. We talked about this. So many times."Hopefully, this Maclib gets released when it's ready and the world will get to feast their eyes on Miller's final project.