Man takes his girlfriend on a 15.7-mile bike ride spelling out 'MARRY ME'.

A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.
In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together. But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.
'We ride together at least twice a week. We also lead multiple social rides in Houston,' Jon said. Leading up to that day in March, Jon used the app Strava to map out a route they could take for the proposal. The route had them starting in Buffalo Bayou Park before heading north. Eventually, they began riding up and down streets, sometimes turning around at the end of the block and heading back before turning onto a new street. After an hour and a half, they were back at Buffalo Bayou Park where Jon finally got down on one knee. That's when he showed her on the app that they'd spelled out the words 'marry me.' 'I went from being so annoyed by all the crazy turns we did to being completely shocked and with the biggest smile on my face,' Thau said.
Last week, Jon shared a screengrab of the route on Reddit, writing: 'So I went on a bike ride with my GF and showed her a nice surprise at the end of our ride. She said YES!' The post earned plenty of attention and laughs from commenters.' If she played along with that bonkers route she's a keeper for sure,' wrote one.' I'm glad she said yes, but if she had had you follow her while she spelled out "No" that would have been epic,' wrote another. Congrats on finding a road partner for life.' When more questioned her reaction to the crazy route, Jon explained: 'I told her we're gonna ride a crazy route today. Don't ask any questions, just follow along.'
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