It will be naive to assume that your children do not know what is happening in the world, especially the global protests to end violence against Blacks following the killing of George Floyd. Now at what point in time do you have “the talk” with your children on how to awaken their black consciousness?
This can be tricky because there are not enough words to exhaust this topic. Some books have tried to capture the essence of black consciousness, which might be a great way to start. Children are curious. Some more than others, but what do you say when they begin asking the burning questions on race and equality that even you, as a black parent may not have answers to. Ever wondered how to talk to your children about race and discrimination while being as objective as you can be? Well, there is no easy way to do so. The following children’s books have been curated in a language that speaks to the nuances of being black and how to awaken your black consciousness. The books listed here are by no means exhaustive, but they equally rehash black history as it is and in a language that truly magnifies how beautiful it is to be black and proud.

Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down
This book tells the story of four friends who made their voices heard by staging a peaceful protest at a Woolworth’s lunch counter. It teaches and celebrates how to handle issues in a non-violent manner.

Woke: A Young Poet’s Call to Justice
This book uses poetry to inspire children to be activists. The world needs more people to speak for the voiceless and those who can stand up to injustices. You may think of grabbing one for your children.

This Book Is Anti-Racist
There are 20 lessons in this book that teaches young adults about racism and how to work meticulously to undo racial oppression. Tiffany Jewell wants all black people to “Wake Up, Take Action, and Do The Work.”

Let It Shine
This award-winning children’s book highlights the works of heroic black women, who put themselves and their lives out there during the freedom movement. Such stories augment the bravery of the illustrious women who contributed their quota to black history.
Something Happened in Our Town
The story is about two families; one white, the other black who try to answer the burning questions surrounding the shooting of a Black man in their neighborhood. It aims to help children counter racial injustice in their own lives.

Sojourner Truth’s Step-Stomp Stride
Belle was born into slavery and changed her name to Sojourner after escaping several masters. After gaining her freedom, she traveled across the country making sure that others too would be truly free and to do her quota to put an end to racial injustice.

All Are Welcome
This book celebrates the differences that unite us. It is a pictorial book about a day in a school where the students are from diverse backgrounds and races. They learn to celebrate each other’s uniqueness and play beautifully with each other.