See the hilarious hack a woman performed to bring 'back her dying plants to life’

A British woman has gone viral after sharing a hilarious solution to restoring several dying plants in her garden.Lisa Harvey, from Surrey, England, says she wasn't happy that her outdoor garden flowers were “constantly dying” and wanted to find a cheap and easy way to combat the problem. According to reports, the 45-year-old mom decided that the best way to keep her plants looking green and healthy was not to use water or give the plant nutrients, but instead to spray her problems away with green spray paint. She said she sprayed two brown and brittle plants in her garden with some green paint and “it worked wonders,” Jam Press reports.
Harvey shared the technique online, getting more than 10,000 likes on her post. “I came up with the idea as I’m not very good at keeping plants alive,” Harvey, who is a personal assistant for children with special needs, told the website
“I have fake plants and flowers, but these were the only two real ones in my back garden and they are both dead, so it saves trying to get the plants out of the pot,” she continued. “I decided to get some spray paint and see if it works,” she added.
“My husband thought I was mad but it’s so quick as well. It didn’t take me long, plus I have some of the paint left in the can.” Harvey said this has also saved her money as the paint was “just over £4, and it would cost me more to buy two new plants.” After sharing her trick, she was flooded with comments praising her creativity.  A user wrote, “You know what I’m doing [on] the weekend just need about 10 cans and I’m sorted.” Another commented, “Dare you to post this in a gardening group.”
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