Do You Look Like Your Dog?

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A photo series celebrating animal lovers who bear a striking resemblance to their pets have inspired a new game Do You Look Like Your Dog? It's the work of British photographer Gerrard Gethings, a dog lover renowned for his characterful portraits of animals.

Can YOU spot the differences?

Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, took to his popular Facebook page over the weekend to mark the end of the summer with a new quiz- challenging followers to find the seven differences in the right-hand picture

The artist behind some of the internet's best-loved visual puzzles has shared a riddle that is guaranteed to leave people cross-eyed. Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Rudolf, took to his popular Facebook page over the weekend to mark the end of the summer with a new quiz.

Expert reveals how to organise your fridge to keep your food fresher for longer

Everyone stacks their fridge differently. But whether you have a perfectly organised system or you tend to jam your groceries wherever they fit, your fridge isn't just a closet for food.

Baby Shark song challenge? Where it came from and why it's dangerous.

Starting as a catchy jingle the Baby Shark song grabbed children's attention, and soon became a social media challenge. The song, about a shark family, became a hit with children and adults around the world.

Here's all you need to know about Brexit, and why it's important.

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The Uk's DECISION to leave the European Union has become a complex and unpredictable beast, which has raised many questions about the responsibilities of a political and social movement weighed against the value of an economic and trade partnership. It has started debates about the future of the European Union, the next step for the United Kingdom, and stoked the possibility of a trade war. It’s also put the relationship between Ireland and our closest neighbour in business, political partnerships and family ties in jeopardy. Over the next few weeks, before a crucial summit in October, we’re hoping to get a final plan on what Brexit will look like. But before then, let’s have a quick catch up on how we got here, what all those terms and deals mean, and what it is to be a member of the European Union.
How did Brexit happen?
After winning the general election, Tory Prime Minister David Cameron announced a referendum on EU membership. Having narrowly won the Scottish independence referendum months before (which saw Cameron travelling to Scotland at the last minute in a panic in order to rally support), the vote on EU membership was seen as an easy battle to win.


Lagosians” won’t cease to amaze me I was invited to a wedding ceremony today, wore my starched agbada ( yes, that same agbada that I’ve been wearing for months), favourable polished my shoe, wore a nice perfume thinking I’m going to a proper wedding ”Then the “Alaga Ijoko and Iduro” invited the bride and the groom to come forward.

Elsa from Frozen could become Disney’s first animated gay character

In more proof that it’s time for homophobes to let it go, Disney is mulling over the idea of giving Elsa a female love interest in the forthcoming Frozen sequel.

Pastor Ellis apologise to Ariana Grande.

Pastor Charles H. Ellis III, an American Apostolic Pentecostal preacher, author and the current Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, who was caught on camera groping Ariana Grande at Aretha Franklin’s funeral he officiated has apologized.

Latest act of tenderness between friends melts hearts online as George W. Bush playfully sneaks candy to Michelle Obama during John McCain's memorial

Former President George W. Bush playfully gave former First Lady Michelle Obama a piece of candy during Senator John McCain’s funeral sending social media into meltdown.

Two Indian farmers become internet sensations after performing the 'Kiki Challenge

Two farmers performed the 'Kiki Challenge' in a mud-soaked rice field in southern India

Two farmers have become internet sensations after performing the 'Kiki Challenge' in a mud-soaked rice field in southern India. A heartwarming 40-second clip of the men splashing around to a hip-hop song while pushing oxen across filthy farmland has amassed millions of views.
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