Do You Look Like Your Dog?

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A photo series celebrating animal lovers who bear a striking resemblance to their pets have inspired a new game Do You Look Like Your Dog? It's the work of British photographer Gerrard Gethings, a dog lover renowned for his characterful portraits of animals. His portraits including a hirsute male owner whose long locks match those of his pet Afghan hound are being turned into a memory game, made up of cards featuring 25 pairs of dogs and owners, which players are tasked with matching up based on the similarity of their physical appearance. Revealing that he found inspiration in capturing animals on camera after buying a Terrier puppy called Baxter in 2008, Gethings who has photographed Elle Macpherson and Yasmin Le Bon, said: 'I don't want to create images of animals that are patronising.' For me, a domestic pet is no less beautiful or majestic than a wild animal. When you get up close and capture every soulful detail in the eyes of a dog, cat or horse then you start to remember where it came from.
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