A man wakes to find his puppy has chewed his big toe to the bone but it saved his life

A UK man woke to discover that his dog had chewed his big toe to the bones, only to find later that his dog’s action might have saved his life.

US man, 84, who shot 16-year-old teenager Ralph Yarl is released after turning himself into police

The elderly white homeowner accused of shooting black teenager, Ralph Yarl twice has been released on $200,000 bail after handing himself in.

Fascinating things to know about the Samburu people of Kenya where men wear kilts like the Scottish.

The Samburu people of Kenya live a semi-nomadic life like the Maasai. Their survival depends on their livestock. The Samburu place a significant premium on their cattle, goats, sheep and camels and weave their life and culture around their livestock. 

Akpema, the initiation rites in Togo that prepare a girl from the age of 1 to womanhood

Akpema is the rite of passage for young maidens in the West African nation of Togo. It is held shortly after the initiation ceremony for boys which is known as Evala wrestling. Akpema is often held a week after Evala.

Discover the fascinating stories of the various types of drums in Africa.

Acrucial component of the rhythmic family of musical instruments is the drum. Drums are often battered with the hand, one or two sticks with or without padding, or both.
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