An army veteran has been declared the most tattooed female ever by the Guinness World Record. Esperance Fuerzina has covered 99.98% of her body in tattooes but she still wants more.
A 31-year-old trainee doctor named Moumita Debnath was m*rd£red brutally and this has shocked the whole of India and the international community. On 9 August 2024, Dr Moumita Debnath, a second-year postgraduate trainee (PGT) doctor at R.G. Kar Medical College in North Kolkata, was reported missing by her colleagues.
The world's heaviest man who used to be lifted with a crane has now lost an unbelievable amount of weight after he got an offer from the Saudi King. Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari, a young man from Saudi Arabia, used to weigh 610 kilograms.