The 22-year-old, who lost her right leg after the 2015 horror theme park accident, walked for label TeatumJones alongside a number of other amputee models. This is the moment Alton Towers crash victim Vicky Balch made a sneak appearance at London Fashion Week. It made a refreshing change at an event which has sometimes come under criticism for showcasing 'dangerously underweight' models. But on Friday several designers chose to shake things up by sending models with disabilities down the catwalk. The Swedish School of Textiles broke with convention with several wheelchair users modelling clothes for their SS18 show. And then Vicky has stolen the show, modelling a moss-coloured dress for London-based design duo Catherine Teatum and Rob Jones. She didn't let slip of her outing beforehand and several national titles published pictures of Vicky without identifying her. she was put forward by Zebedee Model Agency for models with disabilities. Vicky later tweeted excitedly: "Can't believe I got to walk for TEATUMJONES at LondonFashionWeek".The former dancer was among dozens injured when her carriage on the Smiler rollercoaster malfunctioned and smash into another in front. Vicky and 19-year-old Leah Washington were so badly crushed they lost a leg. Since then, Vicky has spoken candidly about the accident and her bid to adjust to her new life.