Try your hands on these 5 locally made African candies/ toffees.

The love for candies and toffees surely cuts across all ages. These irresistible and sometimes insatiable treats always send our taste buds into a crazy frenzy. In as much as foreign candies/toffees are widely consumed across Africa, there are some age-old locally made ones though not as popular as they used to be that “deserve some accolades”. The mention of their names even creates nostalgic memories. Since time immemorial, Africans have always been ingenious and creative with their culinary skills, and these locally made candies/toffees buttress that fact. 
If you’re having a get-together or a party for kids anytime soon and you’re looking at adding sweet treats on the menu, don’t go through the hassle of going to town to buy foreign-made ones. Instead, try your hands on these affordable and very easy to prepare African candies/toffees and you surely won’t regret it! Remember to serve moderately though; as the saying goes, too much of everything is bad.Condensed Milk/ Fine Toffee. Also known as Fine Toffee, these sweet treats are very popular in some West African countries. Its preparation is very quick and extremely easy to learn. The ingredients for fine toffee include condensed milk and butter

Tameletjie: This is one of the oldest homemade toffees in South Africa. Popular among the Afrikaner and Malay communities, the principal ingredients for Tameletjie include water, sugar, pine nuts or almonds.

Grated Coconut Candies Known as Qumbe in Somalia, these irresistibly sweet and nutritious (depends on how you make it) sensations are also very easy to learn. The ingredients for this usually include grated coconuts, sugar and water.
Peanut Brittle Also doubling as a snack, this crunchy sweet treat is prepared with pounded roasted peanuts, sugar and water.
Alewa definitely has to be on the list of the sweetest locally made candies. This multicoloured sweet treat, which is popularly known to temporarily colour the tongue is made with sugar, food colour and water.
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