Western society is making us lonely.

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There’s a massive problem at the core of Western society that results in so many of us feeling lonely.
The problem is this: Western society is too focused on the individual.
Don’t get it wrong.one of the great achievements of Western civilization is the idea of individual rights. Many philosophers and activists that have come before us have created important movements that have resulted in political systems today recognizing the human rights and dignity that each of us possesses. However, it’s reached a point where there’s now a consistent message that the path to self-actualization comes from looking after yourself first and foremost. But there’s a real problem with this message. It misunderstands the nature of our humanity.
The antidote to loneliness: Understanding you’re a social creature
It’s important to understand the importance of taking responsibility for your own personal development. Too often we rely on other people rather than taking control of our own destiny. However, sometimes we can take this too far. Human beings are fundamentally social creatures. We can’t exist in isolation from each other. Societies were created in order to help groups of humans survive. By collaborating, we were more able to live off the earth and defend ourselves against other tribes. It’s easy to criticize society these days. Personally, sometimes we have a constant struggle to define our individuality in opposition to social norms and conventions. Yet the reality is that we can’t ever be an individual. we can’t exist on our own. Holding onto our individuality is what makes us lonely. It’s important to understand how important relationships are in our life. Our identity comes from how we see ourselves through the eyes of others. It matters more that we're cooperating effectively with others, living a life of virtue and being useful. The importance of vulnerability and authenticity. We’re not perfect, and life can be a struggle. When we’re honest about the pains and struggles we go through, we create the space to authentically connect with others.

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