This ‘painting’ is not what it appears to be.

Everyone loves a good optical illusion, and this time it’s a work of art that looks a lot like a painting but isn’t one. This video that’s going viral on Twitter and Instagram, looks like a painting of a man’s face on a canvas, but is actually a piece of ‘sculptural assemblages’.In a video going viral on social media, the artwork by Thomas Deininger is revealed to be more than a painting. It reveals how the artwork was created, not with the use of colours and a brush, but by assembling hundreds of everyday items, mostly discarded things. The artwork that features broken dolls, old photographs and fishing nets, has got everyone talking online. On Twitter, the video has garnered over eight million views, at the time of writing. Many said they couldn’t believe what they were looking at. While most were impressed, others agreed that it’s a little spooky to see so many dolls’ heads and it made them uncomfortable.
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