A Chihuahua café is coming to London and we're booking flights after work.

On Sunday, July 21, brunch spot The Happenstance in St. Paul's is turning into a Chihuahua café for the day and we're totally onboard. The Chihuahua café will
celebrate the tiny dog breed, inviting owners and fans as well as dishing up gorge Chihuahua inspired food and drink - dream sitch. What's even better, there will be food for your Chihuahua too (you're encouraged to bring them along) including pawsecco and pupcakes - my heart. The Chihuahua Café will run slot visits on the day at 10am, 11.15am, 12.30pm, 1.45pm, 3pm and 4.15pm.Tickets cost £10 for Chihuahua owners and £14 for Chihuahua stans. Tickets will be available from 10am on Saturday, July 31 at pugcafe.com.

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