Turning waste paper into art, Kenyan schoolchildren help to end global warming.

According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, greenhouse gas emissions are at its highest level in history and it has resulted in changing weather patterns, rising sea levels and other extremities of the weather.

5 fascinating Caribbean traditions to try this Easter.

Easter is a special time in the Caribbean. People from around the world travel to the islands to celebrate this holiday with islanders.

Turns out you've been playing Monopoly wrong your whole life!

Monopoly is a simple game that separates the Machiavellian from the mediocre. There, I said it. You buy up or trade for the orange, pink and light blue properties (because they are cheap to build on), and rinse your dear family for every note they have.

12 Of The Oldest Women In History To Have Given Birth.

Dalijinder Kaur holds the record for being the oldest mother she gave birth to a boy back in 2016 at the age of 72 while her husband, Mohinder Singh Gill at that time was 79.

A Facebook quiz told a woman she would get married so she sent out wedding invitations - before her boyfriend proposed!

A woman got a little ahead of herself when she decided to send out wedding invitations after a Facebook quiz she took predicted she’d be married this year.

Dog’s owner lets him watch as his own grave is being dug – but luckily the vet made a mistake.

TV writer Franklin Hardy decided to share a story about his dog, and the time his dad got a misdiagnosis of his health which prompted him to dig a grave in his garden.

Easter Day Bomb Attacks Kill and Leave More Than 100 Wound.

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka Six bomb blasts that went off close to simultaneously on Easter Day at three Sri Lankan churches and three luxury hotels have killed at least 160 people and wounded around 400, hospital and police officials said.

Massive Donkey is Set To Become The Biggest In The World.

A massive donkey living in a British animal sanctuary is set to become the biggest in the world. Derrick, the enormous young animal stands at a staggering 16.3 Hands (5ft 7ins) tall -and isn’t finished growing yet.

Companies profiting big time from deadly wars.

It is generally agreed that wars and conflicts are major causes of poverty across. the world.

Parents celebrate their children.

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